Saturday, March 28, 2009

I feel inspired

Hello! Ok so this is my very first blog and I'm not quite sure what I'm supposed to do so I'm going to write about my feelings. Here goes...

So just a few minutes ago I was talking to a new friend on Facebook. His status said that he was seriously in shock so I asked him why he was like that. He said to follow this link so I did. Then I started to read it and I really started to cry! It was just so inspiring that it made me want to go out in the world and do some good. So if anyone has a group that supports people with cancer (That's basically free cause I'm broke...) then please let me know. Thanks!!!


  1. Okay this is awesome!!
    Also on facebook I have my RLTT group
    which you joined but you should check out the discussion board....I have a lot of good Cancer related links plus some quotes and such. Just writing stuff on there is totally awesome so you should check it out!!

    And talk to Ash cus I know she has something in the works [[but I don't totally know what it is]]

  2. Haha ok. I talked th her and she told me about something so I'll get back to you on that
